Gladness & Hunger with Leanne W. Smith
Author/Professor Leanne W. Smith sits down with key individuals to mine the magic of vocational stories and how personal gladness meets the world's deep hunger. Geared to writers, students, and story lovers, this podcast will inspire those on their own vocational journeys. Smith is an inspirational fiction writer and business professor at Lipscomb University with a heart to teach students how to get jobs and build sustainable careers that actually feed their soul.
Gladness & Hunger with Leanne W. Smith
The Arcadian Wild: “The Invitation of Song”
This episode of G&H holds a special place in my heart, for in it, I have the honor of interviewing Isaac Horn and Lincoln Mick (my son-in-law) of The Arcadian Wild. The musical score of this podcast comes from a song called Spring: Wake by TAW, the first release from their Principium album. Here we explore the themes of invitation and what it means to be an artist partnering with God to lean into the talents He has given to each of us.
For links to all my podcasts, visit leannewsmith.com.