Gladness & Hunger with Leanne W. Smith
Author/Professor Leanne W. Smith sits down with key individuals to mine the magic of vocational stories and how personal gladness meets the world's deep hunger. Geared to writers, students, and story lovers, this podcast will inspire those on their own vocational journeys. Smith is an inspirational fiction writer and business professor at Lipscomb University with a heart to teach students how to get jobs and build sustainable careers that actually feed their soul.
Gladness & Hunger with Leanne W. Smith
Aidan Miller: “A Story of Gladness & Hunger”
When I invited Aidan to be a guest on this podcast, I told him, “I love hearing how God works in people's lives, and the joy I imagine He feels in watching us give back to the world the very gifts He has given to each of us.” Though Aidan is still young, it’s already clear how God has been shaping him to make positive waves in the world. His story reflects well the spirit and intent of the G&H podcast, providing a powerful close-out to our first season of conversations.
For links to all my podcasts, visit leannewsmith.com.